Students are fully entrenched in solving a staged crime at Pathways. One of the staff has "stolen" an iMac, and fortunately for the students left ample evidence.
Students are working in science workshops on DNA blood-typing with the assistance of Coach Orth.
Students are reading
To Kill a Mockingbird in English workshops as a guideline to developing their own trial.
Students have photographed and mapped the crime scene as well as learned about the history of civil liberties in our court system in social studies workshops.
Students have also had several pertinent guest speakers to assist in putting together the evidence to put the teacher suspected on trial. Among our guests were:
District Attorney Mark Bensen
Washington County Game Warden Sean Nevermind
West Bend Police Officers Roeglin and Rinzel
Students will be holding their trials to prosecute or defend the "suspected" staff person with esteemed attorneys working as the "judges" for the students' trials. More pictures will follow after the trials.