Project Review: Mid East Peace Plan
The last project that the 7th and 8th grade students completed was a Mid-Eastern Conflict Peace Plan. This primarily focused on Israel and Palestine (the center of it all). In social studies, the students had to research the history, what Israel wants, what Palestine wants, and previous ways they have tried to fix this in the past. After gathering all the research, the students got into assigned groups to put together a plan for peace. The presentation needed a creative name, all information gathered, at least six pictures, and everyone from the group's participation. It was ironic that most of the groups had disagreements even though it was a project about peace. In the end, we needed to present in nice clothes to simulate presenting to the government. After the presentations, we were able to question the group’s decisions and the group needed to answer them. English also tied into the concept, as we read a book called Real Time that focused on the perspectives during the conflict, and we did multiple meaningful discussions related to the book. With the project, we got to understand more about the world, and the possibility to make the peace plan a reality for the future.
~Adam Fehring